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Bertrice Small working

"All of my novels are carefully written and researched because I respect my readers."
-Bertrice Small 

Bertrice's Research Process

Bertrice's fantastic attention to detail has always been what separates her from all the others in the historical romance genre. Can't you almost taste that ...... and aren't those dresses she described to die for? Over the years, many fans have asked about her process: how did she prep for writing? What resource books were on her shelves? How did she get her thoughts together before she began?


Recently, the family has been opening box after box of her books and papers and have discovered some real gems. We want to share some of what we've found with you: her fans. 

A Process in Action

Step 1:  The idea for a story is formed.

Bertrice was a great lover of history and research. Ideas would come to her in many ways and at any time. She would think about the time period she wanted to set the story in and the types of people she'd want to write about and the ember of a story would start to burn...

Step 2:  Selection of Resource Material.

Bertrice had a large library! Just ask her son, Tom, who has carried all of the book boxes with him through several moves.




Many fans have asked what types of research books she kept on her shelves. Here are some:






Step 3:  Review, review, review, notes!!

The family has uncovered a box with folders of research dedicated to every book she wrote, excluding The Kadin and Love Wild and Fair. Each folder contains handwritten notes; print-outs from resource books; outlines; drawings by her husband, George; and/or photos, etc. Mrs. Small was incredibly thorough in her research to ensure that her readers had the most authentic historical experience possible. Let's take a look at one of the books from the Skye O'Malley series....Lost Love Found.


Step 4:  Outline

Accuracy was important to Bertrice as evidenced by these notes she wrote to help prompt her during her appearance as a guest speaker on the panel of the Romantic Times in 1992.  This conference occurred in 1992 at the Hyatt Regency in Savannah, Georgia.


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