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From the Library Of....

As mentioned previously, Tom and I are in the throes of inventorying lots of Bertrice's research books. We have found several that have these "From the Library Of" stickered onto the intro pages. Some are unicorns and some are Garfields - all with her signature green signature (some dated). The ones with dates are fun because you can imagine she consulted them when she was writing certain books. She was proud of her collection and valued these books immensely. What book or series can you imagine she used this book for?

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By Andrea Aurichio Feb. 21, 1982 Andrea Aurichio was a frequent freelance contributor to The New York Times. She also became a close...


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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

was looking for anything new to read. Imagine my shock....didn't know she had passed. I have every book ever written by her, they are in my library along with Edgar Allen Poe. Recommend them to anyone looking for a "good" book to read. Again my condolences.

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Hey Cathy, thank you for your post. She is certainly greatly missed. There are some new projects coming up you may be interested in. We will be releasing Relentless which will be a collection of unpublished work this summer. Also, if you weren't aware, Apple + tv bought the rights to make Skye O'Malley into a series, which is progressing as of now. We will be selling her research books in the coming months AND a large portion of her collection is now available on audio! Please check back as there is a lot going on!


Apr 11
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is marvellous! What a great website and tribute to our legendary and beloved Bertrice. It was 1980, I was 18 yrs old when I walked into our little bookstore in, small country town of Whyalla, Australia. There, I spotted Skye O'Malley, read a few pages and was instantly transported to the O'Malley world and Tudor England, I was hooked! I'm now 61 yrs old, a retired ex University librarian. I have all but one of the O'Malley series and her Adora. And, as history lover and mad bibliophile, no other author comes close to capturing this genre and literary magic of Bertrice Small. Thank you. Wishing you all the best, Sophie Darzanos. ~12 April 2024. Adelaide, Australia.

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Thanks for sharing your story, Sophie! I believe she caught a lot of us fans that way. Read a few sentences.....and then you're hooked. How awesome to have years of enjoyment from her books. Out of curiosity, which O'Malley book are you missing? Maybe we could help? You can send an email to me at


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Fantastic work! "Bertrice's Tips" are going to be insightful and priceless for fans and writers alike., My best to you both, Jane.

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Than you, Jane! Very kind words that are really appreciated. She really knew the process inside and out and she wasn't afraid to tell people what she wanted. She was a really strong lady!

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