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Is it Spring Already?

Updated: Mar 29

It's tough to believe spring has sprung - especially when we were hit with an ice storm last weekend. We lost power on Saturday and did not regain it until Monday afternoon. That probably doesn't sound that terrible, but when it's in the temps drop to the teens, it makes for a very long night. The Small family huddled around the fireplace, eating the cupcakes I'd make for Tom's birthday a few days before. Having been forced to put down our electronics (and enjoying the fire's cozy glow) we turned our minds to enjoyable pursuits. We read, snuggled our pets and discussed our upcoming Bertrice projects. One of which is going to take all my will to accomplish - we are going to tackle her research book collection!

All those rich descriptions and that historical accuracy that make a Bertrice book a Bertrice....well...let's just say Mrs. Small loved her resources. She was incredibly well read - although I have no idea when she would have had time to read anything! She loved her books as is evident from the inside first page of many where she has put a Property Of: sticker and signed her name, of course in her signature green ink. Let it be known that this book on undergarments belongs to Bertrice Small!

When I say there are a lot of books in our basement, I really mean it. I've gone through 6 boxes so far and have an inventory of around 170 books. There are too many boxes with "Office - Books" Sharpied on them. But, I do love a good spreadsheet so I'm dutifully recording each book in my inventory and noting the ISBN, condition, year, etc. We will be selling a portion of her collection in the coming months. The individual books will be priced very reasonably as we do want to offload them to people who will enjoy having them. I will keep you posted on how this sale will happen by putting the details on the homepage. It might be an auction, through an online store on this site, perhaps some raffles...we just don't know yet.

Ok, I need to get back to my spreadsheet now...any thoughts or comments, please leave below!

The History of Underclothes - because knickers have a past!
The History of Underclothes - because knickers have a past!

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Mar 29

The details she put into describing things was just amazing! I can’t wait to see what you have to show us!

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It really was! She has numerous books on Vikings, Byzantium, Romans, Elizabethans, maps, brochures from historic sites she travelled to.... books on food, weaponry, clothing, society - you name it. The amount of time she spent researching before she even started writing! Wow

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