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It's Her Ability to Create Magic.....

If you know Mrs. Small, you know that her writing is full of lush descriptions of every aspect of her story. The details of the fashion of the day is extraordinary. From top to bottom, the fashions of both women and men are written in such a way that it’s easy to visualize. The rich velvets and brocades, the silk caftans, gowns covered in gemstones and beading, down to the men’s doublets, tunics and of course kilts, are all given equal attention. Not only does she describe fashion, but the food served during the time she is writing about. How it’s prepared and served, the look and smell of it. Her descriptions of the very room is filled with detail, you can imagine yourself there. The smell of perfume, the flowers, the flavor of the smoky whiskey, the haunting smell of heather on the moors- is all captured beautifully by Mrs. Small. She imagines the countryside with its wildflowers, down to the castles, keeps and manor houses. Her faithfulness to historical fact puts her in a league of her own within this genre. She takes you on a vivid journey through time, and weaves a story full of detail, imagination, and I think what most women want, a real man who loves them with his whole heart. Mrs. Small is the consummate storyteller, who will sweep you away to another time and place, in such a way that you keep coming back! If you are not acquainted with her characters, you will be delighted when you meet them. I’m sure you will revisit them frequently. Her books should be required reading for every potential bridegroom. Believe me, the bride would be one happy lady. Don't you think?

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I had to "fight" a librarian in my town to read the Dutch translation of her books. So at age 11 I taught myself to read English so I could order her books for the librarian did not read English novels. At a history exam I got an A++ on details. The teacher asked me how did I know these facts I showed him Bertrice Small novels... Love and Laughter from The Netherlands

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